
How much do you earn working on a cruise ship?

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How much do you earn working on a cruise ship?




  1. You might want to get information from someone who has ACTUALLY worked on a cruise ship.  The first poster has clearly never worked onboard before.

    Your pay will depend on what country you are from.  And before you say "That's Illegal" please remember that cruise lines sail under a Flag Of Convenience.  They are 'flagged' in foreign countries with very few laws and even fewer employment standards.  While at sea the 'law' is determined by the Captain.  The only real laws that apply in International Waters are those pertaining to vessel worthiness and safety (The Jones Act).

    For example, a cleaner (usually from Costa Rica, Jamaica, Hondura, Haiti) makes about $500 per month and works 8-10 months, no days off, 12 hours per day.  A server/housekeeper (usually from India, Nepal, Italy, and Eastern Europe) will make more money because of tips, but it is common to have to pay large bribes to get the best section.  So the job you really want is Maitre D or Housekeeping Manager/Supervisor (assuming you have no problem blackmailing people for big money).


  2. This has some really great info

    Positions range from highly skilled marine professionals who are likely to earn in excess of $50,000 per year to housekeeping staff members who may earn as little as minimum wage. It depends on what you would like to do on the cruise ship. There is evertyhing from managing the actua bota, maid service and entertaining.

    It is actually cool how they offer short contracts. Many people love the short contracts offered by cruise ships, usually in the nature of four to six months. Employees receive room and board, and if they’re frugal, they can usually keep and save the majority of their salary, which can range from about $1400 US Dollars (USD) per month, to well over $4000 USD. Like i said, its about your position.

    I highy suggest looking into what you want to do on the cruise ship and work from there. Royal Caribbean is an amazing cruise line. It is very clean and has a good reputation. I would suggest that cruise line.

    Traveling is an amazing experience.

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