
How much do you feed your adult (senior) cat per day?

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I'm feeding mine about 2 and a half of those pouches per day, she is a house cat, hardly ever goes out unless it's sunny to lounge about or to use the toilet.

She isn't huge but a bit chubby.

She is always hovering around for more food though, I'm wondering if this is just because she's greedy and thinks she'll get it if she hangs around the kitchen meowing or if she is genuinely hungry, but I don't think it could be that seeing as she is still quite chubby and has been getting fed this amount for a long while.

Just wondered how much everyone else feeds their cats per day.




  1. I feed my cats one cupful of dry food in the day, they wont eat it all in one go though, they just nibble on it throughout the day.

  2. No more than the recommended amount for an adult cat despite the fact she constantly asks for more.

  3. Ur cat needs dry food. those pouches are not filling enuf. 1 cup of dry food && 1 pouch per day should be good. maybe with a treat or 2. shes hovering around because she may not be hungry.. but shes also not satisfied either.!!~my cat would neveer leeave me alone if we didn't give her some dry food to eat, along with wet food each day. Goodluk! kell xx :)  

  4. She may need more nutrition... than is in the food your giving her.

    My 19 yr old gets B vit, Knox gelatin (for connective tissue) and acidophilus (for intestinal health/ prevent horking)  I crush solid pills and mix all of these together and then just sprinkle a pinch or two of it on her food each morning.

    I occasionally give mine chicken livers that have been cooked and cut up small... she just loves them and purrs while eating.

    After I feed her the livers she seems not to bother me as much to be fed.

    I always leave out dry food in a gravity feeder... and supplement with kitten chow from Imes.

    I feed 3 cats one can of food a day (my old lady gets first dibs at the can food / she's alfa) the other ones are happy just to have a taste.

    I also give her a small can of food evenings.

    I wouldn't worry about her being chubby.... just not FAT... weigh her if she is over 14 # then you might cut back a bit on her food.  Mine is about 9# but you can see her spine/ hip bones... but since I have been supplementing her each meal she is now putting one a bit more weight...(which I want)  I will have to weigh her again.

    old cats need more nutrition than younger cats... that is why I supplement...

    good luck and long life for kitty! >^..^<

  5. when cat reaches senior, u gotta watch ur cat's weight, senior cats are more likely to get fat easily than any other life stages. and it's not good for them to get fat because they can get joint problems or leg problem to hold their heavy body. ur cat seems to be hungry, but just feed him 2 time a day. morning and night. it's best for senior cat. make sure ur cat gets enough exercise and play with him often.  

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