
How much do you get paid for being a F**********r?

by  |  earlier

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A friend said to me that he can get me a Job as one

does it pay well?




  1. You get paid in arrears

  2. wages are c**p but you get lots of tips

  3. You work your @$$ off for very little gratification.

  4. Whatever it is, it's not enough.

  5. rotflmaooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone thinks your actually talking about a job,suckers.this is way too funny.

  6. Hi if you live in a tent, and ride a bike, and eat grass you'll be fine.

  7. Twice as much as a pheasant plucker.

  8. Enough to pay the rent ......... boy.

  9. Can your friend get me a job as well?

  10. dunno but i bet the pay is s**+ t

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