
How much do you get when you land on GO in monopoly?

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How much do you get when you land on GO in monopoly?




  1. $200 as you pass

  2. Whether you land on it or pass it (not both), you get $200.  In other words, if you land on Go you get $200.  On your next shake you do not get another $200 for passing Go.

  3. $1 million in the new version.

  4. Zero. $200 when you pass.

  5. when you land or pass you get 200 smackers

  6. Some house rules (as well as the German version of the rules) give a bonus of $200-500. However, all versions I've seen make landing on Go equivalent to passing the space wrt to getting paid then instead of the next turn.

  7. You get $200 when you either land on go, or pass over it.  Technically it's for "Passing" go, but it's impossible to land on it without "Passing" it on your next turn, so for simplicity's sake you get the money when you land there.

    Some people play with the rule that you get $400 for landing directly on it, but that's an alternate rule.  All variations should be agreed upon before the game starts.

  8. you get $200 as you pass!

  9. 200$ but as you pass

    can i have best answer

  10. $200.00 either if you land on it or if you pass it.

  11. You just get the normal 200$

  12. I believe its $200 but it depends on what edition of Monopoly your playing. It will say on the manual, but if it doesn't estimate by looking at the other prices of things on the game...But just stick with $200.

  13. Zero.

    You don't get the money until you pass GO.

  14. It depends.

    Just decide before you start playing.

    The normal is 200.  But we play sometimes that if you land on it you get 400

  15. You get $200 only after you pass go, not land on it

  16. 200 dollars unless you are going to jail in which you get nothing or if you land on that 10% or $200 tax thing

  17. $200 if you land on or pass 'GO'

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