
How much do you love your cat

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i feel like I'm obsessed with my cat. everything she does is insanely adorable! what are some things your cat does that you find completely irresistible?




  1. My two cats are life.  I go up to bed when my cat calls me and play with them at 1:30 AM because that's when they feel like playing.

    I payed more than $1500 to cure my dog of rat poison.  

    I've driven around the neighborhood more than 15 times looking for my lost dogs.

    I've installed a fence to keep all pets in!

    I foster cats and spend at least two hours with them every day so that they can be friendly when adopted.

    Let's just say that I have a love of animals!!!

  2. I have two cats, and yes, I love them to death. I have a really fat cat who likes to play rough with my skinny little gray cat. It's adorable, he will wait for him to come around the corner, and then he pounces on him! They are both several years old, but they're like big kittens. :)

  3. i don't know i don't have a cat

  4. yeah, I love my cats(= I have a skinny mother thats always trying to clean and roughen up her 5 kittens. I was really sad when we had to get rid of 4 of them. We decided to keep the mom and the fattest of the bunch. We named him Cupid and he is sooooo cute(=

  5. I have a 3 yr old boy who wakes me up every morning for breakfast by rubbing on my face and kneading my neck. Some days he drives me crazy, but I wouldn't trade him for anything.

    I have a 1 yr old girl and she is nuts. She talks to the walls, has an obsession with q-tips and eats anything not nailed down. She's my baby girl. Anyone else would go crazy, I know she was meant to be mine.

    Signed-crazy cat lady :)

  6. i love ''me'' very much..i love chasing the 2 dogs my owners got...they thought the dogs would rule...not quite...alhough they do eat my meow mix and i've lost a ton of weight...but at night all 3 of us cuddle together when we they arent to least they dont touch my litter box

  7. I feel the same way about my cat and my dog. They're just so cute, and it's hard not to love 'em. I love my pets to the moon and back.

  8. Oh god, to the end of the universe and back! Every conversation i bring her up, sitting on my lap right now. Mines comes into my room and licks me to wake me up!



  9. My cats LOVE my husband to pieces.  When he gets home, one will always greet him at the door and demand to be petted for at least 10 minutes by rolling over and stretching and making little mewing noises.  The other one knows what time my husband goes to bed and will climb into bed and wait for there because he knows that it's his time to get petted.

    I love to watch them play- they're so funny.  How could you not love a cat?

  10. very much. i like to hug and pet it and it always purrs. i named him garfield cuz he is also orange and is kind of fat but not that much.

  11. I loved him enough to get a $2100 surgery to get 17 hairties out of his stomach and esophagus.  If that's not love, I don't know what is....

  12. I love my cat so much, but i'm just a kid so i can't do much for her, but Everytime my mom tries to kick her out of the house i always protect her, plus i fake cry everytime she gets sick, that way she'll go to the vet and get better, instead of letting her die.

  13. My cat jumps in my lap and shoves her face against my chin pushing. If I ignore her or am on the laptop she shoves her face harder against me to let me know she wants some loving. I call her by saying meow and everyone thinks that is stupid because she doesnt know what here kitty kitty means but she comes a running when I say meow meow.

  14. I think it's sooooo adorable when he l**k his paw then rubs it behind his ear then pulls it forward eye and all, it soooooo sweet!!!

  15. I love my cat so much I felt like crying when I thought about her dying (& I never cry) It's gonna suck cuz im gonna have to leave her to go to collage next year.

    I love it when she cuddles with me when I sleep, and everyday I wake up she allows follows me down the stairs.  Even if I'm in the bathroom for 20 mins. It's so cute ^-^

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