
How much do you normally spend on your horse in one month?

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Out of curiosity. = D

How much do you spend monthly on your horse? Breakdown of costs would be nice.




  1. $0 on board

    $50-$75 on feed

    $30-$50 farrier

    $150-$225 miscellaneous

    Hope I helped!

    And Good Luck, if you're just buying a horse!!

  2. Well this varies from were you live. I spend 2 dollars a day on average on  food for my horse. But you will spend money on stuff like tack,  wormer, new brushes, shampoo, and farriers. I thing if you averaged 3 dollars a day you were doing good.

  3. Board- $700

    Shoes- $130

    Lessons- $300

    Stuff (Shampoo, treats, etc.)- $50

    Total- 1180 Canadian Dollars

  4. drill team  twice a week

    shoeing every 4-6 weeks

    bareback riding wen-sat

    feeding twice a day

  5. Board: $375, including hay and grain

    Training: $80/week, so $320/month

    Farrier: $60/every 6 weeks

    Supps, Fly Spray, etc.: $100

  6. Grain - $65.00

    Hay -   $32.00

    Board - $90.00

    Shavings -  $100.00

    Total - $287.00

  7. Depends on what part of the country you live in.

    hay where I live is $9.00 dollars a bale

    but my horses are out in my pasture so it's free

    shoeing is $70.00 trims are 25

    If your Vet has to come out it's  $70.00 or you can bring your horse to the vet where I live and you only pay for the visit and what he does

    as for the other shows.. barrel racing ..It get's spendy have fun

  8. Board and Lessons: $400

    (Shoes and deworming since it's every 6 weeks adds a great amount of extra costs ever other month)

    Shoes: $90 (front shoes, hind trim)

    Deworming: $10

    Random equipment: $20

    (You usually spend more than that when you purchase things but I also don't buy new things for my horse every month so it's less. Like for spring i might need to go get a graving muzzle, or my horse loses his bell boots in the field and i gotta get another pair)

    So only around $420 when It's not a shoe and deworming month but more like $520 on those months.

    feed costs more--but my horse has gotten fat so he's off grain until the winter months.

  9. Hunter/Jumper show barn

    750 - board and lessons

    145 - shoes

    70 - supplements

    15 - treats

    15 - fly sprays

    135 - acupuncture (sometimes 110 for electrode enhanced massage)

    (plus 400-800 per horse show)

    then there are the occasional "big buys" like new pieces of tack, pads, boots, wraps, etc. Or annual vet bills for shots/coggins. Or dental.

  10. 280.00 board

    100.00 flysheet (new one for the summer)

    100.00 for shoes (every six to eight weeks)

    100.00 vet bill (2x a year)

    10.00 treats

    100.00 equine senior (6bags)

    about 400.00 per month, but for the year add everything up

  11. well, 60 dollars a month for feeding, and every other month 40 dollars on flyspray, and every 3 months 20 dollars for deworming stuff. =D

    edit: why did i get a thumbs down???

    oh, and farrier every three months, 40 dollars, every 6 months equine dentist, 60 dollars, and the vet once a year, 200 dollars

  12. Board: $250

    Shoes: $150

    Deworming: $15 (every 3 months)

    Lessons: $200

    Treats: $10

    This is just monthly stuff... you also have tack, apparel, supplements, etc...

  13. It depends on what you do with your horses. Like showing in halter, barrel racing, racing... The cost of all of them vairy.

    We've owned horses for a long time now. (We show in barrels, and are going to start showing in halter too.) And we spend over a thousand dollars a year for each horse. But that is the main things, like the feed and hay. But with everything else (fly spray, brushes, wormers, vaccines.. ect) it cost more. If you just got horses, than the first year will be the most expensive year. Because you have to buy all the tack, and built/find a place for the horse to live. (and buy the horse...) So, it isn't cheap. Lol. I don't know the excact cost everyting... sorry. Hope this was a little helpful.  

  14. well it depends

    Full board includes feed and bedding and get turned out to grass for 1 hor costs me €1000 a month.

    Shoes cost €110 a month.

    All rugs get wash once a month and i have 5 @ €15 each to wash.

    Getting tack each month depends but usually €300-€500.

    Supplements cost about @€100 i feed boitin and cod liver oil.

    Then such things as fly spray and hoof oil cost about €50 a month.

    Then the cost of shows. This month the cost of shows are going to cost at least €1000 and thats foe fees and stabling at the shows not to mention the price for the diesel to get there.

    Thats all i can think of.  

  15. Oh my I'm amazed how much all of you pay for board.  I have 10 horses right now, i would be broke.  

    Im just estimating because i buy bulk everything.

    Feed probably 150.00 a month per horse

    Trims i pay 30 per

    Vet could be anything, i just had a horse gelded this month and it was 250.00

    Whatnots i would say another 100 per

  16. summer

    £85 - stable

    £5 - straw

    £20 - hard feed

    £50 - shoes


    £85 - stable

    £20  -straw

    £20 - hay

    £20 - hard feed

    £40 - shoes

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