
How much do you normaly spend to get your child ready for school

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I am wanting to know what the normal amount is to spend on your children to get them ready for school. How old are they and how much does it usually cost per child? How many outfits do you start them off with?




  1. $300.

    That can give 4-5 outfits at high priced stores.

    Or $150 at stores like Boscov, walmart, ect

  2. Hmmm..... Well, even though I'm still in school, I can answer this question.

    Every year (Before school starts) my parents spend about 200,000 on Clothes for me. And with that I have like, say 75 outfits. But thats because my moms a CEO and my dads an Enertainment Lawer.

    But I'f My parents didn't have so much, like If I were avrage (which probably would never happen.....)

    The price range would be from 300-500 dollars.

    Hope I helped!    :)



  3. $200

  4. I have two boys. My oldest son is going to first grade this year. I try to spend not a whole lot. I got 50 dollar worth voucher from Interchurch for school clothe's. He still have some clothes he still fits and look nice. Then church here be passing out a book bags with some school supplies for free. Which I do. Then after that I go see want the rest of school list that he doesn't got from that book bag I go bye. I be packing his lunch till I get those papers filled out he be able to get free lunch during the school year.. Then my youngest son is four. Be going to preschool. He did got that 50 dollars voucher on school clothe's which got bigger size and socks. They ask us to send him in play clothes since he get dirty alot. He only needs three or four items on his list. And he get a book bag since he be riding the bus to preschool and back. I try not to spend alot of money. I try to stay on a budget.

  5. can i say THRIFT STORE??? I am a huge bargain shopper. I have 2 girls ages 6 & 7. From the time they were born I just could not see spending all that money on brand new outfits that they would surely outgrow in a matter of months. I also shop at consignment shops, they usually cater to specific brands and do have a little higher prices than thrift stores. My daughters do not mind at all, they see the amount of clothes we can get at our thrift stores versus Mervyns or other stores. I do buy socks, shoes, panties etc at walmart or other stores. But the basics I get at thrift stores. If you shop at a few different ones in your area, soon you will know which ones have the best stuff and when. We have purchased several brand new winter coats with the tags still on for a 1/3 of the retail price. Last  year our school made a change to all uniforms, so I was able to get all the pants, skirts, shorts and dresses for BOTH of my daughters for under $60.00 total!! If you've shopped even at Target or Walmart for uniforms, you know you cant get the same amount of clothes for my $60.00. This way I feel much better about splurging on the shoes they HAVE to have or that special backpack. Check it out sometime, it really can stretch your dollars at a time when we all need it. My daughters love going to the thrift stores, we come out with tons of stuff!

  6. My son is 5 and I buy all of his clothes on clearance the year before because it saves me a TON of money and kids styles barely change in one year. So at the end of the fall/winter season last year I bought him... 6 outfits from Gymboree at $4 a piece. I bought 3 pairs of athletic pants from K-mart for $3 and then went to TJ Maxx to get some Nike and And One shirts to match them for $6.99 each. I also bought him jeans and some long-sleeved screen tees from The Children's Place- they REALLY mark their stuff down cheap- $3 shirts, etc. Plus I spent $60 on two pairs of shoes (Nike's and Skechers on sale buy 1 get one half off) and I bought his winter coat and snow pants set new with tags off ebay for $16.98, including the shipping. I also got one extra winter coat from K-Mart for $8 in case the first one is wet and he wants to play in the snow again, etc. Overall I probably spent about $200- not on "back to school" clothes but on his entire fall/winter wardrobe for this year. He's got about 15-20 outfits, two pairs of shoes, a coat and snowpants plus whatever is left from last year that still fits. It's a little more work to bargain hunt but it's worth it!

    I also splurged on a few cute outfits from H & M just this past weekend that cost way more than what was necessary but I didn't include those above because he could have gone with out them lol. :D And as far as supplies goes, I watch the adds and pick up what he needs as it's on sale. I probably spent $25 total, including his backpack and lunch box.

  7. I am a bargain shopper, so I start buying school clothes as soon as school in out. We live in Florida, which means I get good sales on line on summer clothes that my children can wear year round. I normally buy two weeks worth of clothing per child. I find that the sales on line are great, even with the shipping and handling.

    My oldest is 17 and my youngest is 3 but he is in a Pre-K program.

  8. 350$- outfits, supplies and stuff like that

  9. Zero, zip, zilch.

    We homeschool.  Clothes are purchased when needed, not by a school calendar.

    Edit: we homeschool year round, so we do not go "supply shopping" in August or September.  We pick up things as needed.

  10. i get school supply for 10 cents each which mean everything,but it is 300 because i like Limited Too wich is and my sister is 5 who likes old navy

  11. I buy what I absolutely have to. My 8 year old outgrew all her pants/skirts this summer, so I bought her 5 outfits to begin with. she is still in size 8, so I was able to get garanimals stuff cheap.

    as for actual school supplies...I stock up at the sales. I just bought 5 packs of notebook paper for 45 cents (total) even though I still have paper from last year. I also got 10-packs of pencils for 9 cents, and cap erasers for 9cents, spiral notebooks for 5cents. I have a whole cabinet of stuff that I know I will use over the next 13 years. I refuse to buy paper for $2-3 during the school year when I can get it for 9 cents right before school starts.

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