
How much do you pay for childcare?

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I'm just wanting to see if i'm getting a reasonable price for my area so:

- How much do you pay per day?

- Is it a daycare center or a babysitter/at home daycare?

- How old is your child?

- Where do you live?

I live in Kentucky and most people around here are charging $25/day. My baby will be 2 months old when she starts going to a sitter. And it is a babysitter, not a daycare.

Also, what do you prefer, a babysitter or a daycare? Why?

Feel free to share your opinion, personal experiences, etc. Thanks




  1. In Reno, Nv a at home babysitter charges $180.00 for four days for a child 6 weeks to 18 months.  Once child is over 18 months they then charge $160.00 for four days:( That is why i became a stay at home mommy.  In Jacksonville, Nc where we currently live a daycare costs about $65.00 for 2 days for children 4 and up, I'm not sure for the little ones.

    I would prefer a daycare because there are more kids there and more parents/workers walking around.  Someone is less likely to be more (than needed) forceful with your child, or to harm them physically, mentally and sexually.  Alot of daycare's these days have cameras that you (parents only) can log in and check on your kids.  I am not saying that you have to check in on them constantly but this way the teachers know that they are being watched at anytime of the day.  Daycare's have a structured curriculum and schedule, babysitters dont always have one.  I just don't trust some people to be alone with my kids.

    When I was about 9yrs, my little sisters went to a babysitter.  I was always in school so my mom never knew what was going on with them at the babysitters because they could not talk yet.  I had a school hoilday but my mom still had to work so I had to go to the babysitters with the little kids.  The lady that watched them was a very pretty, well presented woman, with a beautiful house and a room just for kids with toys.  But when no adults were there she would yell at the kids and grab them by the arm to get them to do whatever it was she wanted, when my little sisters would cry she would lock them in a room with a siding glass door and I watched her sit there with her face up against the window crying her eyes out, they were red and she was just so upset, the reason she was in there was because she was crying when my mom left for work.  The lady left her in there all day long, until about an hour before my mom came to pick us up, and no she did not feed her lunch or change her diaper in that time, she only did when she knew my mom would be coming.  I told myself when I had my kids that i would not send them to an at home babysitter unless it was someone I knew well.  I know this was a very long time ago and people may not do that type of thing anymore, but it is something that has suck with me and the reason why i would send my kids to a day care setting.  Good Luck

  2. I actually pay my mom $150 a week to take care of my son. He's 10 months old and I know he is with the next best person. My mom needs the money and rather then pay a stranger, I choose to pay her. He loves going over there and doesn't cry at all when we drop him off. I don't worry about him while I'm at work, like I would if he were with someone else. It works out great for everyone.

    Oh, and I live outside of Orlando.

  3. DAYCARE-$150 WEEK

    51/2 MONTHS OLD



  4. I currently pay $25/day.

    He goes to a babysitter

    My son is 10 months old

    I live in Southwestern part of Ohio. 5 hours from Kentucky

    I prefer a babysitter b/c they are more personal with children. They seem to be able to give more love and attention. Daycares have too much "corporate" things going on.  

  5. Sounds like you have a good rate.  I live in rural NY, I pay our sitter $20 a day.  She started watching my daughter when she was 8 months old, the lady is right up the road from work and is a SAHM.  The local daycare, on the other hand, charges $34 a day.  They cover meals/snacks.  (I try to provide those for our regular sitter.)  I also have another 'backup' sitter who charges $30 a day at her house, she also provides meals/snacks like the daycare.  My daughter is 4 yrs. old now.

  6. Daycare is $215 a week here in Charlotte NC.  In NC the ration is 5 children to 1 caretaker.  

    Just this week I was offered by a close friend childcare with her neighbor who will only charge $150 per week.

    Here are the pros and cons I weighed out for myself:



    1. I could potentially save $65 per week

    2. I wouldn't have to pay when my daughter isn't there (ie: like a week vacation)

    3. She is close-by in my neighborhood


    It will be just her at her home. She plans on having 3 other children plus her 2 and 4 year old.  My friend's son is 1 1/2 years old.  My daughter is 7 1/2 months old.  I am not sure who the 3rd would be.  

    1. Any sane, patient, child-loving person is still going to need a break after watching 5 children, varying ages, 8-9 hours each day - 5 days a week - alone.  (I think she may find it more constricting than she thinks - not being able to run errands anymore during the day, etc..)

    2. What would I do if she becomes ill or if one of her children become ill, or if she has to go to a drs appt, or even vacation?  She has no backup.

    3. She does not have cribs like they do at daycare for my daughter to nap throughout the day - her solution was a pack-n-play.  I am not sure how well my daughter would adjust to sleeping in one of those.

    4. The children ages are so varied.  I'm not even sure that she has age appropriate toys for my daughter.

    5. Personally - I know my friends 1 1/2 yr old is a handful.  I'm worried that my daughter may not get enough attention.

    6. Will they ever get any outside time?  How would she be able to take a walk with 5 children ranging in ages from 7months to 4 yrs?


    There is always 2 people per room for most of the day.


    1. You have to pay a lot of money ($860 per month) even when you take a vacation.


    1. She is in a room with a lot of other infants her age.    They play age appropriate games - have read time, have learning games - all the toys are age appropriate - she is able to learn from infants just a couple months older than her.  (She just started to crawl at 7 1/2 months old) Just this week they had 'Bring your favorite toy to share'.  It's fun.

    2. They have a big baby buggy that all the infants are strapped into and are taken for a walk.

    3. They document every thing - everytime she's had a diaper change (they even provide wipes) - how much of her bottles she drank - what her day was like. Any milestones she's meet - is she teething? It's good to know these things, esp if she becomes sick and the dr wants to know how much she's been eating - what her diapers look like, etc...

    4.  They have rockers when feeding and to help put the babies to sleep which is consistent with what I do at home.  They also have cribs for them to sleep.

    5. If another child is sick they try to reduce the others getting sick by sending the child home.  If one of the caregivers is sick or on vacation there is ALWAYS a backup.

    6. It's a great way to network and meet other mom's with children the same age.

    7. They have a baby cam so I can see what they are doing throughout the day.

    Well - for me it's a no-brainer.  I rather pay the extra money to have my daughter in daycare.  Just the social aspect alone I think is invaluable for her.

    Just my opinion -  I think you should do whatever works for you and your family!  Everyone's needs are different!

    Good luck!!

  7. I live in KY and when I was working I paid a private babysitter $15/day

    Oh and she was two months

  8. In orlando, fl the rate for a newborn at a daycare center is about $200 per week.

    My feelings about a babysitter versus daycare depend. Do you know this babysitter? How many other children will she have while she is watching your child? What are the alternative plans for childcare when the babysitter gets sick or wants to go on vacation?

    I prefer to leave my daughter with a reputable daycare center. There I feel that she is getting proper care and can socialize with children her own age. (the socialization is not a big deal for a two month old, but eventually you will want her around children her own age). Also the day care center I chose offers a web cam so that I can view my child whenever I need reassurance.  

  9. I pay $200 a week.  He's at a daycare center at a local church.  My son is 9 months old and we live in Northern VA.  

    I've used both a sitter and a center.  I prefer the daycare center.  My son loves it, they have activities and he's made little friends.  It's just a great group of people and I know he's well taken care of.

  10. My daughter will start going to a center next month she will be 3mos and its $150wk, I live in south florida. With my oldest I lived in AZ and paid $100wk at a home daycare which I prefer over a center, its more personal

  11. i have two kids and i pay 150 a week for each one

  12. I stay home with our baby BUT if I couldn't I would have a sitter come to you or you go to them. It's cheaper and it's better because less children means more attention for your child...

  13. My 21 month son goes to a home daycare.  I pay 28$ a day.  We live in California.  He has been going since he was 10 months.

  14. I live in SW FL and my newborn will be attending a pre-school (6 weeks - Kindergarten) at a church.  We will be paying $140/wk and then the rate does go down slightly the older the child is.  I chose the pre-school over other daycare centers and baby-sitters b/c I was really impressed by the facility, the educational curriculum, christian values, activities, and the staff.  I prefer to have my child in a place where she can grow as she gets older and I won't have to worry about moving her to another place when she's old enough to start learning lessons.

  15. I do not see why not

  16. I live in east TN and I pay $140 a week for daycare at a center... my son is 11 months old...  when he was younger I wouldve preferred a sitter but I didn't know anybody so I went with the daycare center... Now I'm glad he's in daycare b/c he loves all the kids!!

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