
How much do you pay for dom perignon (in ashop not restaurant )?

by  |  earlier

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also did you ever drink crystal at nacht what was it like ?




  1. $48

  2. I dont have the vaguest idea what you are talking about, so it would be better me to keep my mouth shut, not to stir a hornet's nest.

  3. You should be able to get a bottle of 1999 Dom Pérignon for around $120-130.

  4. all about the year but you can get dom for 75 bucks at the right store  vueve cliqout is better looking at 35 for that one

  5. They can be from around £100 - £250, though it does depend on the vintage.

  6. if your looking for high end go for the crouge 88.  will run you a few hundred bucks and will be a total ***** to find but its oh so worth it.  otherwise dom in upstate NY runs about 120 a bottle.

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