
How much do you pay for gas on your car? Weekly? Monthly?

by  |  earlier

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I pay $70 (unleaded regular) to fill up a 2001 Nissan Maxima. It lasts for about 1 1/2 wk which averages my total spending of $250 a month. And I bum rides on the weekend!!!!




  1. 0.  I ride my bike to work. It's fun. I get my exercise. I help the environment. I PAY NOTHING FOR GAS.


  2. $80 a month

  3. 75$ weekly - shame!

  4. Car about $25 a week (1998 Plymouth Neon 2.0L Auto)

    Neon gets around 30mpg.

    Motorcycle about $8 every 2 weeks (1981 Suzuki GN400)

    GN400 gets around 85mpg

  5. driving my race car on weekends about 80 but when i dont i have the greatest car ever built YARIS 38mpg baby when just driving that about 30 per week ( i drive it daily on a 20 minute commute) but i suppose if i stopped buying av gas to race that needy big block i could buy my girlfriend a big gigantic diamond dont you hate oil companies?

  6. $100 per week... $400+ per month... :(

  7. $60 per week or more

  8. Usually forty dollars every week. Sixty if I go to Lake Charles for anything [fifty minutes away]. It's freaking stupid.

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