
How much do you pay for preschool a month?

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I have a 3 year old




  1. my son goes to charter chool because his lst school went through teachers like i go through underwear and i was paying 600 a month for 5 days a week 830-4 now im paying 760 for the charter school all day, he doesnt recognize his letters or anything im now teaching him to write his name im scare he will b behind with the new kids in pre k. he starts in sept and im scared they will tell me he is behind

  2. In our state the average preschool runs about 2.5-2.75 it depends on the program...whether it's 5 day a week or 3 day, or 2 day...full day or half day...:-)  

  3. it all depends on your area, how many days, how long the day.  

    We have a church preschool. 4 days a week, 3 hours a day is $110/mo.  3 days a week, 3 hours a day is $100/mo.

  4. 120 mo

  5. I live in a very....fortunate neighborhood. For a 3 year old, tuition is $135 a week.

    Sick, isn't it? And this area only pays preschool teachers less than $9 an hour.  

  6. I pay nothing for preschool for my twins

  7. for a 3 year old in victoria, Australia for 2 hours a week it is $125.00 a term, unless you want 4 hours and then it is$210.00 to $240.00 a term

  8. How many days / wk program is it?  I would say... oh... like $200 a month.

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