
How much do you spend on toliet roll a week?

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The type you use to wipe your bottom with no matter how much I buy alwayz seem to run out so quickly!




  1. Have you tried using water?

  2. £3.99 pack of six lasts a week its dixsons

  3. maybe 4 rolls a week, 2 ply, what ever is on sale

  4. Use newspaper its cheaper, or nick some from the pub. LOL

    then you won't have to spend anything

  5. I spend prob a £5 every 3 weeks.....

    Poor you!


  6. My husband and I go through 4-6 rolls a week. Cost around $3 a week, depends on the brand we get. Sometimes the double rolls, sometimes the nice soft stuff and then other times we use the cheap stuff.

  7. we spend about £5 every few weeks, we get da 12 pack

  8. Try eating more fiber diet,, won't have to wipe as much!!!!

  9. Come on Sarah.  This like how long is a piece of string isnt it. Depends on your particular family's toiletting habits.

    Why not buy a 6 pack more than your usual and keep that as emergency supply. Re-stock as normal, if you have to open it, next day buy your normal supply plus a replacement reserve. have run out of many things in 40 years as a householder, Bread, Sugar, Coffee, Patience, but never Toilet Rolls.

  10. 4-6 rolls per week. £2 or so whatever is on special.  Both at home all day.

  11. About 4 rolls a week for the two of us cost £1.50 andrex.

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