
How much do you spend per week on groceries?

by  |  earlier

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How many people are in your household?




  1. about $200 4 4 of us.

  2. about $100 for me and my boyfriend

  3. well we are a family of six- two adults and for children ages 16, 15, 13 and 10 and we spend about 200 a weeks. and that is really just basics and ice cream for after dinner snack.  

  4. There are 5 of us and i just spent 280.00 on groceries at sams club where i mostly bought meat products that will last us all month.  i need to get eggs milk cereal and bread and canned veggies and that will cost us about 60.00 at save a lot ... and the eggs and milk get replinished every 2 weeks but the can food last us all month...

  5. G'Day mate i don't need groceries i just want yous 2 you look hot

    cheers mate

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