
How much do you tell people about yourself?

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when you are meeting a new person or with someone you know and haven't seen in a long time?

do you lie?

i have. when i was honest in past situations people used it against me. they didn't have to. they did it because they wanted do and they could.

even though i don't like lying sometimes i do it to protect myself.

what about you?




  1. As little as possible.My private life is just that,private.

  2. I tell them what they need to know, my name, my age, what i do, I dont tell them i had an illness last month and i dont tell them when i was 4 i fell over. If you actually stay friends with them that comes later.

  3. I talk about myself only after getting two pegs of rum down my gullet.

    Even then, I tell them anything but the truth about me.

  4. My memory isn't good enough to lie but I don't volunteer much information.

  5. i speak truth. I tell as much is asked and even more.

  6. It depends. Some things are personal and no one's business - like my salary and my s*x life. I don't lie - I tell them the truth - It is none of their business. I tend to be a listener rather than a talker. And I do not open my mouth unless I know for sure what I am talking about or prefix what I say with, "I do not know but here is what I think" or "in my opinion". The downside to this is if you only talk about things you know for a fact, people tend to think you are a know-it-all - they forget all the subjects you never said a word about lol.

    Some things that some people consider shameful, I am very open about. I have Hepatitis B. They used to think it was spread via s*x. Now they say you can get it in the water. The bottom line is they do not know and I can vouch for the fact that they can control it but they have not found a real cure for it. Consequently when some person with questionable manners and/or hygiene wants to take a drag on my cigarette or a taste from my drink, I tell them - Do not do that! I have HepB and do not want to be responsible for you getting it. If they judge me negatively on that - it is their loss, not mine. I have a small but wonderful little group of friends. I do not have a need for tons of them - a few really caring people are thousands of times better than lots of friends that are there when they want something but disappear when you are in need. And if you are open about that sort of thing, what is there to hold against you? Your honesty? Your concern for their health?

    I find people who are constantly looking to put me down end up looking like first class jerks themselves. And I take the attitude that if they are badmouthing me, they are leaving someone else alone.

    New people? I find some innocent thing to talk about like the Hot Air Balloon Show and the affect of the price of gas on the size and quality of the show. They do not need to know anything personal about me at this point so why volunteer anything? Lying? Leaves you open to getting caught out and that would be embarrassing and difficult. And keeping track of who you told what lie to is major work! Nah!. Life has enough complications without my creating more.

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