
How much do you think an african serval would cost.?

by  |  earlier

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there pretty big cats and look like mini-cheetas to me.and i want to get on in the much do you think they are?heres a pic.




  1. Servals are a protected species. You cannot own one.  

  2. they cost 22,000 dollars here is a cite to prove it .

  3. They are not domestic animals and should never be kept as pets.  You would need special wildlife licensing and then probably couldn't have one anyway.

  4. Hi Trevor... prices will vary for a serval depending on the breeder.  You will also have to consider the cost for for the following which is required by law to keep an exotic:  LARGE cage enclosure, annual exotic veterinary bills, USDA/APHIS permit fees, raw meat diet and vitamin supplements to meet nutritional requirements...all which cost a great deal over the lifetime of the cat's 15-17 years.

    Possession of exotic cats is ILLEGAL in many states and in some where they are are allowed a USDA/APHIS permit is required as is drop inspections by the agency to ensure that you are adhering to the strict guidelines for care and safety for both the cat and the public.  

    The laws for the state of Indiana:  : All persons who possess a dangerous exotic animal must obtain a permit for each animal they possess. Dangerous exotic animal includes the following animals: lions, tigers, jaguars, cougars, panthers, cheetahs, wolves, coyotes, jackals, hyenas, bears, venomous reptiles, alligators, crocodiles, gorillas, bonobos, orangutans, Burmese pythons, reticulated pythons, green and yellow anacondas, etc. However, there are no state requirements for private possession of monkeys.

    Citation: IND. CODE ANN. §14-22-26-1-§14-22-26-6

    Many city/county laws will be different than state laws for possession of exotics therefore you will need to check for Evansville.

    Exotic cats require a lifetime commitment and responsibility that most people are not able to offer.  Please take a moment to read the following which applies to ALL exotic cats not just the ones I've noted in this information:;...

  5. IF you can get one they are very expensive. They are usually only imported on the black market. We have had a few here and they do NOT make good pets at all. You can try to train them to be pets, but they will always be wild animals. It is illegal to have any sort of wild cat as a pet in america without the proper licensing.. I know this because my dad runs a large cat sanctuary.

  6. African Servals are so yesterday, get a Puma or Walrus

  7. slavery is illegal you r****d

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