
How much do you think gas prices will change?

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In the next ten years how much do you think gas prices will change?




  1. 7 dollars a gallon.

  2. I think they will change for the worse. The rich will still be able to afford gas while the poor will be killing for it.

  3. The shortage of gas is getting much worse, so the price will continue to rise! $10 per gal will not be uncommon soon!! If we want gas to come down we must boycott the big oil companies, like Esso and Shell and start a gas war!! If we dont do anything, and just roll over and play dead thats exactly what we will be paying. The Asian car market is growing very fast and are eating up any extra gas we had before!!For every new car in Asia we will have to take a car off our roads!! Figure it out people!!! We had all better buy bikes before they go up too!!!

  4. it is only going to raise. Hopefullywithin the next 8 years we will run on solar powered or electric cars and won't need to spend a lot of money on gas.

  5. By the end of the year its suppose to be a $1.50 more for us thats like 4.50 for gas, so if it continues to rise we may be paying every bit of 10 bucks!!! Wow that sounds crazy, for GAS, that is ridicoulous!!

  6. youch don't want to think about it...$10 a gallon, but we must consider inflation into it as well...well actually we have been getting .50c a year so far, but well the world is growing and supply is shrinking, so ya 10 seems almost Conservative.

  7. Lots, a minimum of about +$0.50 a year. Things are going to be much different in 10 years.

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