
How much do you think gas will cost per gallon in 5 years?

by  |  earlier

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I am guessing about $6 a gallon.




  1. im guessing 3-4 if there are no more threats in the middle east and other oil producing countries and prices are not driven up by investors buying it in mass quantities for safe investments.  the middle of the spectrum, where we will probably end up, 5-6.  If it goes really bad 7-8.

  2. Crazy is right, if these gas prices keep going up like they are Americans will turn to something more affordable.  But I can already see what's going to happen.  A car company will finally solve all the problems of the electric car and begin production.  Opec, hearing of this will get its members to pump all out non-stop to flood the market with super cheap gasoline.  People will start using gasoline cars again and the electric car company will have to cancel its plans due to lack of interest from the public.  After a few years of cheap gas prices will start going up again.

  3. By then, my car will be converted to hydrogen.

  4. in my dreams its $1.50 but in reality it will probably be around $8 dollars i hope not or i will cry

  5. In 5 years time, gas will be $15 to $20 per gallon. Alternative fuel cars will be all the rage.

  6. I paid $3.25 here last night here in Florida. I think in 5 years we wont be using gas any more because people will get fed up and switch to electric cars and so on. We have many alternatives that we can switch too that are much more earth friendly and cheaper.

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