
How much do you think i should charge for babysitting?

by  |  earlier

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ok, i would be babysitting m- f 4:00pm- 06:30pm... just 2 hours AND when theres no school... i would be helping with homework and p/u from school bus stop (some driving). she wants me to give here a flat rate.. thats of course negot. but i dont know what is reasonable.. some help please!!!!! thanks




  1. how many kids is it?

    probably like-

    $50 a week if its one kid

    $60 a week if its 2 kids

    $75 a week if its 3 kids or more

    good luck and hope this helps!!!

  2. ask 4 25$. that's very reasonable and fair

  3. Give craigslist a check and compare what other people are asking for in your area.

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