
How much do you think it would cost for 2 people to stay in Rome for 12 days?

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I am thinking of staying in an apartment instead of a hotel. I already looked into & it said about 65 Euro's a day. I am planning this trip for April of 2009. Yes i know that is very far away, but its never a bad idea to start saving etc now. I looked it up & it will cost about $1000 round trip for each of us to get there. How much spending money would you say will be safe to bring along?




  1. I may just be  a 16 year old who hasn't gotten an allowance in years, but I say bring as much money as you can. I don't think you should bring all of it. You never know. There could be thieves lurking. But I think besides the hotel money, you should bring $5,000 at least. Let's say food for the whole 12 days costs 500 dollars. That leaves you with $4500 to do whatever you want with. Then again, I am inexperienced, but it seems like enough but not too much.

    Also, like the above person said, why bring money when you can just use an ATM?

  2. look on interneyt

  3. I would bring about $100- $150 a day, depending on activities and where you eat..

    tickets for museums, or tours or souveniers will add up, some days wiill be more, others less...

    just take a credit card or ATM card... travelers checks are a huge pain in the A$$...

    also to save money and have a bit of adventure,  maybe check out a hostel,  you will meet other travelers there, and save some money.    

    have fun.

  4. Rome is a bit expensive. Youth hostels are about $30 a night per person, hotel rooms for two from about $100 (for a relatively bare accomodation) and up. The day pass on the tram (to get you to all the great tourist destinations) is about $7. Getting into the museums are about $15 (€10) for most of them, a lot of the churches are cheaper and some are free. Try to get accomodations or to meet for coffee with locals. Locals can give you the best information about where to eat and shop. Hostels are good to meet other travellers.

    I was in Rome, stayed in youth  hostels, and shopped at the market (hostels normally have kitchens). I later couchsurfed in other countries and it was the preferable way to go. Probably best is if you plan on at least $100 (about €65) each per day to be comfortable and be able to eat in restaurants a couple of times. You could pull it off for about half that, but just barely. Like I said, try to really save a lot of money and possibly improve the quality of your trip.

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