
How much do you think this coin from Germany would cost? ... ( It's not your regular Euro).?

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Hi I have this coin I found in Germany... and It's pretty old...

(Made in the time when Hitler was alive)

This is how it looks like on one side:

It has that n**i symbol, that bird, and "Deutrenes Reith" printed on it, which means German's Reith, right?

But my coin, it was made in 1943, and has a pale, grey/ blue colour, like this one:

And on the other side, it sort of looks like this:

Instead, it has 10 cents imprinted on it, and arount the 10, there is this word; "Reithspiennig." Under the 10, there are 2 skinny leaves, inbetween, there is the letter "G."

Okay that's all about it, do you think it's worth something? :]

(I don't know much about coins... :l)




  1. Here you can check ebay:

    they offer a llot of this coins.

  2. If you get 0.00 USD you made the lucky strike. Perhaps ... in thousand years ... that will change.

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


  3. No really worth much except to you which is fine.  Contrary to popular belief, not all items which display a swastika are banned from sale in Germany.

    In Weisbaden on the Hauptstrasse is a coin and stamp shop. They have sheets of stamps of all prices with Hitler's protrait and WW2 era coins. Several antique shops have items also ( SS daggers, badges, etc.)

    It must depend on the item and whether or not it has any "collectible" value.

  4. Sorry to disappoint you but no big value.

    Also items with the Swastika on it are banned from being sold in Germany.

    You might do research to sell it outside Germany in the USA or in the Netherlands but I don 't think it has much value since it was massproduction coin.

    @ Grumpy the law exists I do know some antique shops sell these items netherveless so it depends on the shopkeepers will to break the law ;-)

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