
How much do you tip for a tattoo?

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How much should you normally tip for a tattoo? Its an artist I've been to before, does a good job. Will likely cost about $200 and 2 hours or so, and will be the first of about 2 or 3 sessions. How much should I tip?




  1. I always give $20 for a $100 so i would give $40 for a $200....but thats just me...

  2. I always tip ridiculously well.  I always go to the same guy and on my $80 tattoo, I tipped him $50...I went back yesterday to get my wrist tattoo and my friend got a tattoo cover up on her wrist (a star) with a bunch of other stars that ended up wrapping to her outter arm up to her elbow.  He charged us $125 total for both tattoos. And then we ended up giving him a $70 tip.  And I had made him yeah, tip well and they will remember!

  3. It all depends on how well the job is done. If the tattoo is $200 and you tip 15%, give him an extra $25.

    Other than that, you can tip whatever you feel necessary. If the job isn't done well, you don't have to feel obligated to tip anything. I have 9 tattoos and I have only tipped once, because usually they make you pay beforehand. Well, I'm not tipping someone before the work is done.

    $25 is 15% or $200, but you can tip $10, 15, 20, more, or less. Or nothing, if it seems fit.

  4. I've been going to my artist so long she won't accept tips from me anymore...LOL

    But yeah I'd say anywhere between $25 and $50 depending on how well you like the tattoo.

    I do know many people just do not understand that a tattoo artist does not get to keep all the money they get for doing a tattoo. I'm thinking 40% is probably the norm that alot of them get to keep. The rest goes to the shop to help pay the bills.  

  5. I think it depends on if you go back to see him again for another tattoo. If you hook him up he will hook you up in return ya know? If the tat takes about 2 hours I would def give  him or her  at least 25 bucks if it takes 1 hour give him 15 or 20 depending on what you can afford. Then when you go back to get a touch up or something new he will remember you . =)  

  6. Any tip is welcome but 10-20% is a good guide. Be generous if you feel like your artist did a good job - remember that a good chunk of what you are charged goes to the shop so they don't get it all.

    I have a lot of tattoos and I usually tip $50-$150 dollars but because I know people in the industry I usually get waaaay undercharged for my work so it evens out. ^_-

    You can also tip in gifts! Since this is going to be the first of multiple appointments you might be able to feel your artist out for a good present for the last session. A lot of artist have little knicknacks in their stations, art hanging up, music they play. You may be able to get a sense of what sort of gift your artist would appreciate. Of course they like money but if you tip pretty generously at the rest of your appointments something different would be welcome as well.  

  7. I say, tip what it's worth.  If you love the tat, 20% maybe.

    Here's a clue...

    My friend got a tattoo on her back.  The guy quoted her $300.  She got it done and at the end of it, he only charged her $175.  It took maybe 2 hours.  She loved it and the guy cut her a break so she gave him $50-$75 extra dollars.  

    But remember, if you end up going back for more sessions, tip what would make him continue to do excellent work on you.

  8. I don't understand this tipping tattooists custom. Is it peculiar to the US? Don't the tattooists get paid a decent wage?

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