
How much do you tip on delivery orders of take-out food?

by  |  earlier

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I had my first chinese delivery yesterday and was unsure how much to give to the driver. The bill was $20.30 so I gave him $23. Good or bad?




  1. i would say good,i usually tip 1 to 3 dollars depending on if it is a place i know or a new place

  2. If that is all you had then i would say that was good.

  3. that's fine I really don't think they deserve a 15% tip because

    1. they make more then a waiter hourly

    2. gas is reinbursted by the company

    3. all they do is Knock on you door

    2 or 3 bucks is fine for a 20 dollar bill

  4. 15% of the bill

  5. Should tip 10-15% of the total of the bill

    So $ 2 - $ 3 would be fine for a $ 20.30 bill.

  6. 2 or 3 dollars

  7. I think that is good...I would have tried to dig up the extra 30 cents so that he/she would have an even $3.00 tip...  But i think what you gave the driver was fine (One other thing I always look at is...if they charge you a delivery fee or not.  if there is no delivery fee then I usually tip just a little bit more than if there is a fee...)

  8. My dad, who is not a connoisseur of the finer things, always told me to tip no less than 5 bucks, no matter the bill. He loves places like Waffle House or Huddle House, and he'd leave a 5 buck tip for a cup of coffee. He's always had to work really hard for his money, and he doesn't have a lot. Still, it's a nice thing to do for people who are working so hard for so little.

    I  tip delivery folks $5 or 10% if it's higher--and I also tip 10% when I pick up takeout orders at a restaurant. Truth is, the delivery guys try to get our orders and they get them to us sooner.

  9. i'd say that is good. i usually tip 10% for take out.  

  10. My rule is 20% but not less than $5. This is because I used to deliver pizza AND  I know once your house becomes known as one of the good tippers you get faster, better service. If you stiff the driver, bad things may happen to your food. All you people who think tipping is a “rip off” and don’t do it, let’s just say I’m chuckling at some of the things that have been done to your food without your knowledge.

    Anyway, the minimum “polite” tip is 15% but not less than $3. It used to be $2, but in lieu of rising gas prices, I think $3 is more appropriate.

  11. Let me see if I got this right.  The meal was only $20.30 and you gave the delivery guy a $23.00 tip?  Either you're one h**l of a tipper or you need to check the placement of your decimal point.

  12. tips are recommended not required the delivery man should be thank full for any money he got

    but if it were me and i Had say thirty dollars i would give him anything in the range of 1.90 to 5.60 but in ur case its excuse its acceptable and im sure he was happy with what u gave him.

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