
How much do you tip?

by Guest63925  |  earlier

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10, 15, or 20 percent? Do you drop a buck in the tip jar at Dunkin' Donuts?




  1. 15 % or in NY, since sales tax is 8.5% , good rule of thumb is to tip is to double the tax on your bill.. You should tip according to service quality-but you shouldnt really tip under 15 % unless the service was really lousy (you not liking your food or the restaurant being busy=you had to wait for good does not count as bad service as some people seem to think)...Like others have said, waiters get paid well under minimum wage and live off their tips, so its really crappy in my opinion to go out if you dont have money to tip correctly. Some people dont seem to know that waiters do  not get the same hourly wage.

    As for Dunkin Donuts and the like, I only do it if I have requested a large or complicated order, since they get paid a larger hourly wage and they are not spending forty five minutes at least taking care of me.

  2. I tip 20% unless the service is poor. Then I tip 15%. If the service is exeptional, I tip 25%. I always put 1$ at Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts.

  3. 15% for poor service, 20 for normal, more for good service, don't go Dunkin' Donuts. not a coffe drinker.

  4. Always 15% of the bill and more according to how many are dining at the table I am sitting.

    I also drop tips in jars on counters at ice cream parlors, going thru the drive-thru window and anyone working for me.

    It's not about the "tip" , it's about appreciation for being served and taken care of.

  5. 20 percent

  6. It depends?

  7. 2 dollars lol

  8. 10 that is how much you are supposed to

  9. 15 - 20%    more for wonderful service

    and it's supposed to be more that 10% even though i know some of you A's don't think you should tip at all.

    and those who say two dollars...that's c**'re the type to leave $2 on a $100 tab. very uncool and you will rot in a bad place!

    don't go to dunkin, but i put a dollor in the jar at chipotle

  10. 15 always but for good service I'm known to go to 30

  11. At a bar or restaurant its an $8 minimum, no matter how bad the service that's the least I will ever leave. These people myself included live off of tips. If you don't have the money to tip properly then go to McDonald's. Always drop a bill in the bucket and the local donut shoppe.

  12. the standard amount for a tip in oregon is 15% minimum. however i base the tip i leave on the service i recieve. if the service is crappy they will get a crappy tip, or no tip at all. I believe in tipping well to those who truely deserve it. I once recieved great service at Red Lobster, and my waitress was amazing. She got a 25.00 tip out of me. that was more than the cost of my plate and drink together. But Like i say she was awesome.

    There are also places I will not tip at, at all. The reasoning is because those places pool their tips together, and then at the end of the night, tips are devided between all waitress. I'm sorry but I feel that if you bust your *** off, you shouldn't have to share your hard earned money with someone who is lazy, sullen, and a crappy attitude. i would rather come back at the end of my waitress' shift and tip her "outside" of work. or i will send them flowers, balloons, or some sort of thank you gift.

  13. ~15% normally.

    I wouldn't tip at Dunkin' for just a dozens donuts, but maybe I would if they cooked me a hot sandwich or something.

  14. 20-25% if everything is great.

    15% if it was okay.

    0-10% if the service was poor.

  15. horrible service... one PENNIE

    okay service....15%

    Great service....20-25%

  16. You should tip according to the service, but you should never not tip because most waitresses make $2.00/hour, and they live off of their tips.  A penny or a quarter is an insult to these people and that's really not cool.  I think that the reason most people don't tip is because they don't realize that waitresses don't even make minimum wage, and so they think they are entitled to choose not to tip.  But you should ask yourself how you would feel if someone came along who you did a job for and then they refused to give you your check.  As for a percentage, 15% is considered common courtesy, but if you have excellent service, and you tip them accordingly, you will gain a server who will take excellent care of you every time you go to that restaurant.  If you don't tip, and the servers know you don't tip, they aren't going to waste their energy on you.  They have to make a living just like the rest of us.

  17. 15 is the flat rate for me, never lower, sometimes higher. I thought 15 was the semi "official" percent? all depends i guess.

    At dunkin donuts, I probably wouldn't tip, though definitely at sit-downs and more up-scale places.

  18. I think 15 percent is fair enough, right in the middle!

  19. tip who tips lol

  20. At least 20 %. That's what we tip anyway.

  21. If I get poor service I would tip a quarter

    If I get fair service I would tip around 10%

    If I get good service I would tip around 15-20%

    If I get great service I would tip around 20-30%

  22. 20% if They did a good  job. 15% If they weren't that good

  23. 2 bucks always

  24. I would say about $2-$3, because most waiters or waitresses live off of their tips because their pay isn't much, so its the only way they make a living worth while. Hope this helps

  25. if its not very good service 10%  average would be 15% exceptional, or any fine dining = 20% and depending on my mood for the dunkin Donuts drop

  26. for great service 20% to 30%, lower for poor service, but I always tip. These people live off of tips, have kids and bills too. It's not their fault that the law allows management to pay below the minimum wage. For those who think they should get other jobs that pay better, if all waitstaff got other jobs, who the h**l would serve you when you go out to eat???

  27. I used to work at an ice cream place and this guy gave me a $10 tip it made me happy, considering the fact that I was getting payed $5.85 an hour.

    I always try to leave about $5 in tips, maybe more.
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