
How much do you use toilet paper

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How much do you use toilet paper a week.

Sorry weird Question...




  1. What is this Toilet Paper you speak of?

  2. Uhhhh. I know i use toilet paper DAILY. But i dont know how much i use a week.

  3. we have a family of 4. i live with my b/f and his daughter and his dad well his dad says we use too much toilet paper.. haha well i use it every time i go pee and pooh. about 3 rolls will last use all week  

  4. I'm out a lot of the time so a roll would last me about 3 weeks (I use Andrex which lasts longer) but when my friend comes to stay she uses about a roll a day.  I have never known anyone who goes to the toilet as much as she does.  And why she needs to use so much toilet paper is also a mystery !

  5. My husband and I use less than a roll a week. Weird question but I'm sure you have a reason for asking.

  6. I live with my girlfriend.

    We tend to get through about 1 roll a week, maybe less... depends how much you are at home I suppose...

  7. 5 wraps around the hand every time hard to estimate how much a week as its obviously more if ive been drinking wine or eating curry  

  8. 3 rolres

  9. my family (4 of us) go through an average of 6 rolls a week!!

  10. Almost every time I p**p.

  11. our family is fairly large(7) and we have 2 bathrooms with the main floor one being used most often.  We use on average 1 roll per day of the Scott tissue which has 1000 sheets per roll.  that varies with whom ever is off work, whether it is a weekend, etc.

  12. well , this is an interesting question as i had a conversation about it with my daughter earlier. i live with my 2 daughters aged 10 and 3 and we manage to get through about 6 rolls a week!!!!!!! i reckon its being eaten

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