
How much do your babies weigh?

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my little girl was born 9lb 2 oz. now at 11 1/2 weeks shes 15lb 2oz. anyone elses baby this weight or more at this age? shes not a chubby girl but very long




  1. my boy was 8lb 11oz when he was 15 weeks he was 14lb 8oz

    my baby girl was 7lb 5oz she is 3 weeks now and weighs  8lb 0.5oz

  2. My son was born 8-3 and now at 5 months he weighs 17 guessing, at the 4 month it was he could be more than 17 son is a chunka :)

  3. my son was 7.9 and 20 inches at birth; at 2 month apt he was 12.3 and 23.5 inches

  4. My son was 5lbs 6oz when he was born (he was only 3days early) and when he was 3months old he was 12lb 9oz.

    Hes now going to be one in 2weeks but still fits into 6-9 months clothes

  5. My boy was 2lb 11oz at birth (12 weeks prem) he is now 24 weeks or 12 weeks corrected and is 14lb 3oz! Looks like he'd have been a whopper if he'd have gone full term!

  6. My lil girl is a "Chubby Bubby" (her nickname). She is 8kg @ 4 months of age!! My first born wasn't 8kg until she was like 9months old

  7. My son was 8lb9 at birth and now 20lb9 at 5 months!!!  He's not fat though.  His height and weight are fine for a 7 month old,  In the supermarket, women are always stopping with their 7 month olds and saying "Oh, great at this age aint they"....  Dont think they believe me when I tell them he's only 5 months...

  8. At 12 weeks my daughter weighed 12lbs 2oz.  She wasn't a big eater though.  

  9. yeah my baby was 9 lbs 9oz. Big house then. Now she 5 years old and eats everything and is skinny

  10. My girl was 4lbs 7 oz at birth-17 inches long by 6 months she weighed 15lbs and was 26 inches long. Now she is almost 8 months she is well over 17lbs. For such a small peanut at birth she sure is catching up fast!  

  11. my son was born 6lbs 12oz and now weighs 9.5lbs and he is 5 weeks!

  12. my daughter was born at 9lbs  11oz and now at 4 months she is almost 15lbs. they go through spurts my daughter is 25.5 inches long now as well. she goes through being chubby and then looking thin so i am sure it will change especially once she is on the move.

  13. My son was 6lb 6oz and now at 13 weeks weighs 11lb 5. Babies vary and put weight on differently as long as your health visitor is happ then she should be fine x

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