
How much does 1 litres of water weigh in KG?

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  1. Guest55823

    How to 1 kg in 1 liter

  2. A PURE WATER H2O (distil water) weights 1kg per litre. This is the defination comes from chemistry.

    If the water is not pure,like the water comes from river,lake or under ground. It contains minerals like Ca,Fe,Al...etc. Then the total weight becomes more than 1kg.

  3. *The weight of any object or substance depends upon how much matter there is and where it is because weight is a dependent on gravity.

    *The density is the mass of water divided by its volume. Since mass doesn't depend on gravity, the mass of an equal volume of water is the same everywhere. The density of water is 1 gram per milliliter (or equivalently 1 kilogram per liter). The density of water does depend on temperature however. The value of 1 kg/L is for water at 4 °C at sea level.

  4. Water is at its Maximum Density and Minimum volume at 4°C and 1 atm. pressure. The Density is 1g/mL (or cc).

    1 Litre = 1,000 cc = 1 Kilogramme.

  5. The capacitys are compatable, so 1 litre equals 1Kg

  6. at 20 degrees 1 liter should weigh one kilogram.

  7. 1 KG.

  8. Hi  

    1 litre of water weighs 1 KG

    the metric system is so much easier.

    You can get your weighing scales out and see for your self , experiments are fun  : )

    Hope this helps .

  9. 1Kg

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