
How much does 25' by 30' feet of concrete cement cost? And for someone to do it professional?

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I wanna make a basketball court in my backyard. I'm just going to get a half court. I already have 15 1/2' by 30' of concrete already so I did the math and need 25' by 30' more. How much will this cost and for a professional to do it?




  1. Prices are going to vary by area.  Call around to some local contractors and get estimates.  They usually do those for free.  It is also free to call them on the phone.  

    You also need to know how deep you want the concrete.   Are you going to prep the area or have them do it?  

    The grass needs removed, framing for the concrete, and rebar to prevent it from cracking.

  2. Prices vary according to your city.

    Prices range from $3.50 - $4.50 per square foot for concrete and labor to place and finish. Add $.50 per sq. foot for sod removal and haul away and $.75 per square foot for fill  at about 3-4" placed and compacted. Low price of about $3560 to high price of about $4310.

    Slab should be at least 4" thick and about 6" thick on the outside edges in about a foot.

    They should cut control joints in this large of a section the next morning. This provides a defining weak point which the slab should crack at. All concrete will crack at some point - these control joints are to "control" where that crack will take place, and therefore making the concrete slab look a lot better than having random cracks that make it look like a shoddy job.


    look at that website. It's great.  

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