
How much does $30,000 come out to per paycheck after New York State taxes and federal taxes??

by Guest56887  |  earlier

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I've been offered a job on this salary and want to create a budget accordingly.




  1. When you find a place to live in NY (whether its the City or a surrounding burrough) for less than 30K, let me know, so I can pack my bags.  Unless you are living at home, I don't see how its possible.  I couldn't even live on that.

  2. As a general rule, I always figure 70% of my gross pay will be take home.  In your case, that would be 21,000 which would break down to about $400 a week.

    Of course, this works here in Michigan but it may not there.

  3. After all of the taxes deducted? Probably about $1.75.

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