
How much does Britain recycle?

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I would like to know how much britain throws away in household rubbish and how much we recycle in the time of a year?




  1. 400 million tonnes of waste is created in England and Wales every year…of this waste, over 60% is buried in landfill sites…and about 14 million glass bottles and jars end up there EVERY DAY! The rest gets recycled.

    About 29 million tonnes of the waste produced in the UK each year comes from our homes.  The equivalent would be similar to everybody throwing away around four times their own body weight.  In the UK there are more than 15 billion electrical and electronic appliances – an average of 25 per householder.  

    Every year we throw away over a million tonnes of waste electronic and electrical goods and 90% of this has been ending up in landfill sites. In the UK we send more than 105 million tonnes of waste material to landfill every year.  

    Almost two-thirds of this is biodegradable organic matter from households, businesses and industry which could be re-used, composted or recycled in some form.

    About 20,000 tonnes of aluminium foil packaging (worth £8,000,000) is wastes each year.  Only 3,000 tonnes is recycled .

    I hope all those figures aren't too confusing.   =)

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