
How much does Holsteins cast?

by Guest66732  |  earlier

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I need to find out as much info on this type of bovine for a project that can and will deterime if i pass my ag class which is for the FFA. Thanks Josh




  1. It all depends on the age, size, and quality of the Holstein, as well as your geographical location!

  2. Don't you think you should learn to spell first?

  3. It depends on how much you feed them.  "cast" ?

  4. Holsteins are the highest producing dairy cows. Today the best producing herds get 30,000 pounds of milk per cow per year. Right now in Central Wisconsin the prices for different ages are approx. : Calves- (birth to 6 months) $400-700, Heifers 6 mon- 18 months $ 900-1500, Springing Heifers (pregnant and soon to be milking) (20-24 months old) about $1700-2000.  

    Milking cows can be a little difficult to price, as more factors go into it, such as production, pedigrees, how good the udder looks, and feet and legs. But "good" young cows can bring $2000-3000, and Ex. high pedigree cows will go $3500 and up. Some cows that have contracts on them, (meaning a bull stud wants a bull calf from that cow) will go $10K or more, but those are the cream of the crop cattle.

    Hope that helped. Good luck

  5. This very much depends on what type of Holstein you want to buy. If you are looking for a prize milking Holstein - you are looking at many thousands of dollars. If you're buying an old-used up milker Holstein, say for some cheap beef, it will be much cheaper. A holstein steer raised for beef and can be worth a couple thousand dollars, but not as much as say a black Angus raised for beef. I would recommend you look at your local stock sales barn for the most up-to-date prices on beef cattle. A prize cow can only go up from there. Black Angus will be more expensive than Holstein beef. Yearlings will be signifcantly lower than full grown fat cattle.

    Basically, it really depends on what age, shape, and gender of the Holstein you want to buy.

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