
How much does Jesus' love mean to you?

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If Jesus loves all good people on earth, that must mean he loves at least a couple billion people right? So does it really mean anything to you if he's handing out love so frequently? I mean it's hardly an achievment is it? "Wow, I'm the 7,000,000th guy Jesus has handed out love to this week, how great am I?"

So how much does Jesus' love really mean to you?




  1. This much

  2. Well b/c i know Jesus personally i know how much He loves me -- it's wonderful to be in the family of God with billions of brothers and sisters all over this planet earth.

    So His love means everything to me. You too can know the love of the Lord Jesus Christ just by asking Him into your life.

    Taste and see that the Lord is good. . .


  3. It means everything to me. Numbers don't mean anything, Jesus love does.

  4. I'd rather have Jesus's sandwich but I'll take whatever I get.

  5. First of all, Jesus' love is unconditional, unlike ours. He loves you whether you're an imbecile or a person who lives to make your life and the people around you better. Jesus means to me that I will one day be able to say thank you God for everything you've done for me and I will live a wonderful eternal life free of pain and suffering.

  6. Is the air you breath sufficient for you?  Do you share it with a couple billion people?  

  7. For me, it's not about how much I might think Jesus does or does not love me; it's about whether or not I am being a loving person, and the most important spiritual teacher I use in my life is Jesus.

  8. it means more than my own life

  9. In the last year my girlfriend of 7 years left me, my Mother died and I was made redundant after 15 years in the same job.

    I am not sensing much love of any kind.

  10. Absolutely nothing, especially since he's been dead 2000 years and never even met me.

  11. Jesus love means life to me . To those who it means nothing I salute your honesty

  12. As much as the love from an invisible toaster.

    So nothing.  

  13. As much as my neighbor's f**t.  

  14. Everything

  15. Of course he does, he have his life for you, but some of us don't appreciated it,  I am thinking about the back sheep in his flock.

  16. Even for YA you betray remarkable ignorance.

    Jesus loves each one as if there were only one to love.

    That includes you, of course.

  17. 291.

  18. Nothing because I don't believe the myth.

  19. It's my reason for living. He knows us all personally

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