
How much does Lionel Messi get paid per year by Barcelona?

by Sports_Guide  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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He turned 22 only a few weeks back but Lionel Messi is already the second highest paid footballer in the world. The Argentine wonder kid earns about 28.6 million euros every year and he is currently the best player in the world and is certain to get better with the passage of the subsequent years. Messi is said to be the perfect player to replace Diego Armando Maradona as the world's greatest ever player and having won everything there is to be won in club football and already having established himself as the best and most talented footballer in the world, he is certainly on the right way.




  1. he lives in Barcelona! duh

  2. tghyufufttyuft


  3. 100000000000000000000 a year

  4. were do lionel messi live?
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