
How much does USPS Business Reply Mail cost per piece received?

by  |  earlier

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I know that there's an annual permit fee as detailed here: but if one has a basic BRM permit, does one pay the standard corresponding rate (such as 41 cents for a 1 oz first class envelope) per piece received? If not, is there a schedule online?




  1. Using the Basic BRM service, in addition to the Annual Permit Fee, that you have mentioned already, there is the postage and processing fee to be paid per piece.

    Currently, BRM is Postage, plus 72¢. So,  A postcard would be 99¢, a 1 oz Letter would be $1.14 and a 1 oz flat would be $1.55.

    Of course, this is only charged for those pieces that are returned to you, not how many were mailed.

    BTW, postage for a 1 oz letter is 42¢ as of May 2008.

    Page 25 of Notice 123, Price List has all of the information.

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