
How much does Wendy's pay 14 year olds?

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How much does Wendy's pay 14 year olds?




  1. i don't know. why don't you just submit an application to get the job. then ask how much you'll get paid. if it isn't enough, work one day and quit. tell your manager you've got to much going on that you didn't realize you had until you looked on your calender this morning. if he/she asks what tell him/her these things:

    *you've got to go to your cousins wedding this weekend.

    *you've got _______(your favorite sport here) practice during work hours.

    *you're parents are going on their 10th anniversary trip to Jamaica in 2  weeks for 5 weeks so you have to go stay with your grandma who lives 1 1/2 away.

    *you realized you had volunteered to help out with swim lessons at your neighborhood pool.

    *you're little/older sister/brother has ________(a sport) practice and since you're parents are working you can't leave the house.

    hope this helps!!! Good luck!

  2. you have to be 16 to work so u will need to get a working licens. then u will prolly get minimum wage

  3. probably very little. and if you look young, you most likely won't get hired, unless you're really good at serving or whatever. you need be at least sixteen to get a job, so you'll need a working permit. if you're looking to earn money, its easier to be a babysitter or a tutor (and you'll earn more too)

  4. You’ll probably need special permission to even work at 14 years old. Most fast food places pay a little above minimum wage but since you’re young, they know you can s***w you so you’ll probably be paid $5.85 or even slightly below depending on the circumstance.

  5. Probably minimum wage, but I bet you could apply there and find out.

  6. minimum wage... but i think it's 16 for wendys, and Micky D's is 14+ but i can't say for sure

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