
How much does Workers comp temporary disibility pay a week in California ?

by  |  earlier

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Went to see a doctor for back injury at work, and the doctor has put me off from work for two weeks, and I wanted to know when I will recieve a check as I will be off from work, and How long does it take to recieve the check. I have no income and the bills are going to have to be paid.




  1. The average weekly wage is defined as the average weekly wage paid to employees covered by unemployment insurance as reported by the U.S. Department of Labor for California for the 12 months ending Mar. 31 in the year preceding the injury. -California Rules DWC.

    Which appears to be total gross over the 12 months divided by 12 or 52 weeks. There is a maximum rate of $920.00 and a minimal of $245.  So if you earn $2000 a week you will only get paid for $920.00 a week.

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