
How much does a Big Mac Cost in Greece in U.S Dollars?

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How does it compare to the rest of Europe.




  1. Have none of you ever heard of the Big Mac Index? It's a pretty reliable, stable way to estimate the purchasing parity power of a country's currency. If the price of a Big Mac in Country X is $12.68 in US dollars (versus $3.71 in the US), then that country has a pretty seriously over-valued currency (or insanely high food import costs), and chances are you're going to go broke there very quickly unless you're filthy rich.

  2.  Have none of you ever heard of the Big Mac Index? It's a pretty reliable, stable way to estimate the purchasing parity power of a country's currency. If the price of a Big Mac in Country X is $12.68 in US dollars (versus $3.71 in the US), then that country has a pretty seriously over-valued currency (or insanely high food import costs), and chances are you're going to go broke there very quickly unless you're filthy rich.

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