
How much does a Florida pilots license cost?

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How much does a Florida pilots license cost?




  1. Airman Certifications (the correct term for what most people call "pilot's licenses") are issued by an agency of the Federal Government, so the requirements are the same in every state.

    It will cost you between $6,000 and $9,000 to obtain a Private Airman Certificate.  The cost is going up every day because of rising fuel costs.

    It's still worth doing.  Have fun!

  2. I agree with Aviophage in all but the costs.  You can conceivably get in under her $6000 at a local airport and if you can finish in the minimum required hours [40].  It should be pointed out that on average people finish in about 60-75 hours.  The flight school I trained at recently re-worked their estimate and it's closer to $4-5k if you can finish in 40 hours (which some people can, myself included).

    So, point being, it might not be quite as bad as she suggested, but don't be surprised if it is.

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