
How much does a Spur thy Tortoise Breeder earn yearly.

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How much does a Spur thy Tortoise Breeder earn yearly.




  1. it would be hard to say, when breeding you have to take into account the costs of raising a healthy clutch of tortoise eggs, and any money you make you have to take out expenses, so it would depend on how many eggs hatch to start with, then you need to take into account the food, heating and lighting costs, most breeders who put in a lot of love and attention to their hatchlings will not make a lot of profit if done properly and it will depend on how many girls they have of egg laying age, it is not something you can put a figure on, sometimes you make a bit of money sometimes you don't but most do it for the love of tortoises  

  2. Mediterranean Spur-thigh? Not much- low demand. African Spurred? A little more maybe because they breed faster.

    Tortoises reproduce so slowly that it is tough to make money on the hobbyist level. The 'motto' is to breed snakes for profit, tortoises for fun.

    Beyond that, it depends almost totally on how many laying females you have. If you have 5, and each lays 20 eggs a year, and you sell the young for $100 each (Mediterranean) or $50 (African), you would earn $10,000/year or $5,000/year gross.

    In general, it will take 6-8 years for the tortoises to start laying reliably, and they will lay for about 6-12 years depending on the species. You'll have to care for the tortoises before they can breed, while they breed, after they stop, care for the babies, etc.- all overhead coming out of your profits.

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