
How much does a WWE Superstar make per month?

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I would just like to know how much a wwe superstar usually makes each month. Just curious.




  1. Depends on their place in the roster.  Entry level talent usually makes around 100,000 per year, while the top guys (HBK, Trips, 'Taker) are definitely making over a million per (plus endorsements, PPV bonuses on buy rates, etc).

    An important thing to remember is they're considered independently employed.  They pay for their own travel, food, and lodging, and their own insurance (which, given what they do, probably ain't cheap).

    Don't feel bad them, they're doing well...but it's nothing compared to the major North American sports leagues.

  2. they would make a year maybe 50,000 to 300,000 dollars a year. the champs are paid more

  3. alot of dough esp hhh

  4. It depends what rank you are. For example, wrestlers like Jamie Noble would only make about $150,000- $200,000 a year. Wrestlers like John Cena, Triple H or The Undertaker make a few Million.

  5. ALOT! Most likley that only make that much not because they fake hit and beyotch slap in the ring but because they make it look real when it isnt and they do a good job until someone catches it! They also are on steriods sometimes like you can tell when cena is and isnt. If he is his calfs litterly POP out if not they look like a normal person.!

  6. A LOT!!!!!!!!!

    all the wrestlers don't make the same amount as one another. they have different salaries. but they all get paid tons and tons of money!!!

  7. depends on who it is and merchandising and pay per view bonusses if any


  9. depends on the superstar and how big they are. the bigger the star, the more they get paid.

  10. Each wrestler makes a different amount of money so there really is no "good answer" to your question. Also, most of the wrestlers have to pay for their own hotel accomodations and flights so... if you're not a "big name" like John Cena, you might not be making as much as one would think once you factor out all the $$$ you're spending just to get to the event.

  11. over 100 G's

  12. Enough to buy Steroids.

  13. here you go

  14. Depends on the level they're at. The lower carders can receive as little as 100,000 dollars a year, mid-carders can get between 250,000 and 500,000 and top-carders like Triple H, Ric Flair, The Rock and so on, can get 1 million dollars a year!

    {EDIT} I used a caculator and that is almost 17k a week for the more popular ones. XD

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