
How much does a Wii cost along with 4 remotes?

by Guest56946  |  earlier

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I have to earn the money myself in order to get one. And I can't find any information on the web. And would it be cheaper to buy it on-line or at a store. If the store is cheaper what store exactly? Thanks!!!




  1. $410 + tax, so about $440

  2. The Wii already comes with 1 Wii remote and 1 Nunchuk.

    So the Wii console ($249.99 plus tax) + 3 Wii remotes ($39.99 plus tax each) is going to be $349.99 plus tax.

    It would be cheaper to buy it at the store because you get it at the retail price, $349.99 plus tax, and they won't charge you shipping. Try Best Buy, Circuit City, Walmart, Target, GameStop, EB Games, etc. etc. etc. If the store is sold out, just call and ask when they will get their next shipment.

  3. the wii comes with a wii remote, and thats $250. if u buy three more wii remotes, it will cost $120. so it would be around $370, plus tax.

  4. A nintendo wii costs $250, but online some stores only sell package deals with games, controllers, ect.  Wii remotes cost $40ea and the nunchuks costs $20ea.  All games require atleast the remote and many require both the remote and nunchuck.  If you want a package deal look online, and if you want to buy everything seperately i would buy it at a store.

  5. wii is 249.99 and remote cost 39.99 and nunchuck cost 19.99 online is good if you cant find in store but try store its safer and guaruteed new. also try ebay get bundles for great prices. try walmart, target, toys r us, or gamestop call first then tell them your on your way

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