
How much does a anesthesiologist make annually?

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  1. The salary depends on where you work and how you are employed. My father is self employed in Wyoming and makes $500,000 a year.

  2. It depends on where you work and also how you are employed. My father started Northern Plains Anesthesia and earns $500,000 a year. If you are employed by the hospital, you usually earn much less.

  3. i think that guest4081721 cant career

  4. As much money you want

  5. Like the first guy say 250k-400k but it does take alot of experience and education to get to that level.


  6. Anesthesiologist realistically make between $250,000 and $500,000.  There are sub specialties such as pediatric, cardiac and pain management that may allow you to make even more.  For pain management, if you work in your own clinic (outside a hospital), you can make well over 1 million a year. This is because you can not only collect the physician fee for a procedure, around $75 bucks for 15 mins work, but also the facility fee that is average of $450.  With that you have to pay for supplies ($25 per procedure) and staff salaries and rent, so about $75-$100 dollars would go to that, the rest is yours.  More money is made in the rural areas working for hospitals as a general anesthesiologist, hospitals will add to your income to attract you to the area due to the current shortage.

  7. How much do Anesthesiologist make in a year?
    The answer is from 100,000 to 400,000 dollars a year
    That is alot of money you know
    I is a really hard job and you have to go to 4 year of college 4 years of doctor school and 4 years of intership it is a long way but if you are ready for hard, tough, and difficult  phyics, chemistry , biology , and mathematic it is calling your name but if you are not good of neither your should either consider becoming good at it or looking for another carrer option. You deal with the medicane that is suppose to reduce pain and you have to deal with blood and needles. You need to give them medicane before , during , and after the suregy. So look forward to seeing the inside of the body. Though when you saved somebodies life you will be so proud of yourself. But if you want to do this I suggest that you do voluteer work and other things that wil prepare you because, it is a real long journey to saving somebodies life.
    Thank you for reading this cause you are doing yourself a big favor
    P.S if you decide to do this good luck and I hope you succeed in what you want to acheive

  8. Starting salaries nowadays range from $100,000 to over $300,000.
    But it all depends on where you work and how many years of experience you have in that "position".

  9. can some1 tell me

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