
How much does a baby corn snake cost at a reptile breeders expo usually..... also a ball python (baby)???

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How much does a baby corn snake cost at a reptile breeders expo usually..... also a ball python (baby)???




  1. It really depends on the morph but i have seen normals from both species starting at $10. Morphs will be more but the thing at expos is that the animals are almost always cheaper than you will find in a reptile store and most are cheaper than ordering on the internet because shipping is high

  2. the morph i the deciding factor. A normal corn will be 10 to 15 bucks going up to about 130 for higher end morphs.

    Ball pythons are the same as corn snakes it is all about the color morph. normals being 10 to 20 going all the way up to 1300 for those really nice ones like the blue eyed lucy and the camo

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