
How much does a bartender get tipped out?

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And also, when getting tipped out from a couple waitresses at the end of the night, how much would the bartender take home on average? Lets say from a comedy club.




  1. Typically a server will tip the bartender out 10% of the tips they made throughout the night, that's a common standard.  

    Different places go by different ways of doing this though.  I've worked in bars where the servers have to tip you out 2% of their sales total (House of Blues New Orleans).  They have to keep a log of it for the manager to check too.

    The place I'm working at now in Pittsburgh is odd, it's a very busy restaurant, but the servers aren't allowed to tip the bartender out.  :(

    The owner believes that they should hang on to the 'little' money that they make, but I think they do a little better than she may know.

    She does pay the bartenders $7.15 an hour to compensate for this, if this wasn't the case, I'd be ticked.

    I've never worked a comedy club, but on average a bartender can expect to make between $400-$700 a week, working 5 nights per week.   This fluctuates a lot.  I've had days on Bourbon Street where I didn't make $40, and nights at H.O.B. where I reeled in over $700 in one 5 hour shift. i.e. Sammy Hagar concert, or Richard Cheese.

    Hope your club is a busy one!

  2. It depends heavily on the amount of people drinking. My bar we divided up all the tips evenly between all the waitresses and bar tenders,but some bars and comedy clubs create a percentage of profits according to how hard each server has to work.

  3. This answer depends on how much the customers are tipping that night.  If they are a bunch of cheap bast*rds do not expect much.

    The place I worked at the tips was split evenly among the workers that night

  4. The way it worked with me when I was bartending was keeping the tips and splitting them evenly if there was another bartender working with me.  10% of the total tips go to the barback, and bartender got 15% of server tips.  How much a bartender takes home every night varies.

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