
How much does a blimp cost?

by  |  earlier

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one that is similar to the good year blimps




  1. Several million dollars.  The range stated by "just thinking."

  2. Probaly a couple hundred to rent it.

  3. you could go the hot-air route and in the uk prices start at about £20k. Lindstrand do a good quality reasonably priced balloon.

  4. toooooo much!

  5. Depending on size----from 3 to 6 million dollars.

  6. Just like an airplane, depends on how sophisticated it is, what it primary usage is, how big it is, etc.

    There are many companies making airships, even one they call a flying yacht (a slower version of a private jet) that can land on water and land.

    There was a german company who was making huge airships they were planning on using for contruction purposes to move huge loads but I think I recall hearing they went under.

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