
How much does a chiropractor (new grad) in Calgary AB expect to make?

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How much does a chiropractor (new grad) in Calgary AB expect to make?




  1. It totally varies.  One cannot say.  There are many options depending on how resourceful the person is.  They range from low paying start up positions in larger offices with no potential for growth.  To very excellent associate positions where the new doctor can gradually become a partner in the office and do very well.  But in general the most money is opening your own office.  It is harder today for a chiro to make it.  But the field when approached correctly and mindfully is potentially very lucrative.  In any case the new chiro needs to realize that he or she knows absolutely nothing about the realities of practice management, patient management or how to really render care and adjust.  It takes a number of years.  So there is no answer to your question as it varies way too much.  Do not listen to averages.  They mean nothing.  The person needs to move with caution on the chessboard.  There are many clinics that will take these kids and use them and pay them very little before letting them go.  There are other clinics that want the new Dr to learn and eventually have an excellent income.  But almost no associate position can ever match what you can make in private practice.  It is a great field for the right person.  There are people who make millions of dollars in it and there are losers that can't hold a position or make their own practice.

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