
How much does a day care cost for a month? family day care (licensed one person)?& home day care (non-license)

by Guest57457  |  earlier

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1. ok a professional day care center ages 6 wks to 5 yrs???

monthly AND weekly day care center- where one person has a license and looks after the kids how much do they take?

3.and just a regular person (care provider as a babysitter) for a full day (month) same timings etc as above but what would be their price in general??? i know it depends on the person but any ideas?




  1. It depends on the age of the child to begin with.


    in center: up to $9.00/hour - $1440/month - 8 hour days

    in home: up to $7.00/hour - $1120/month - 8 hour days

    age 3-5

    in center: up to $5.00/hour - $800/month - 8 hour days

    in home: up to $4.00/hour - $640/month - 8 hour days

    The price difference is due to ratios. Infant ratio is 3 infants to 1 adult in center, and 4 infants to 1 adult in home.

    Pre-k ratio is 12 kids to 1 adult.

    I hope this helps

  2. I think it varries by location Where I live 1 is around 1000 a month

    2 150 a week

    3 10-20$ a hour

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