
How much does a dentist earn?

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I've always wanted to be a dentist but i was wondering how much do they earn a month?




  1. If they are into cosmetic dentistry, well into the hundreds of thousands a year

  2. That depends on a lot of things, like type of dentist (eg, oral surgeons vs public health dentists).  Where the practice is located is also important.  Dentists who practice in big cities where there are a lot of other dentists may not make as much as a dentist who practices rurally where there is less competition.  Dentists in more affluent areas who deal with patients who can afford the more expensive treatments also make more money.  Experience also matters.  More experienced dentists have built up bigger patient bases and are able to work more efficiently so that more patients are seen in a day.

    Some dentists are really hard core and have three or four practices.  Of course, this brings in much more money than a dentist with only one practice.  Some are more business oriented, while some prefer smaller more intimate practices.  Some dentists even work as associates, who make less than dentists who own their own practices.

    I can't give you an exact figure of how much they earn a month, but I would guess it might fall anywhere between $75 000/ year and $300 000/year.   Maybe more or maybe less, I don't know for sure.  Keep in mind that dentist with their own practices are also responsible for paying for all their own costs, like staff, rent, equipment, etc.  That's in Ontario, Canada.

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