
How much does a elementary school teacher would earn in a year, or ect?

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  1. It depends where you live. In the United States, the average payment was like $46,000 but nowadays with sexcism, men make a little more money than woman do which is quite unfair. I also think it depends on how long you've been teaching and what you teach (you may earn less if you're a art teacher than a math teacher). A higher degree, such as a Masters or PhD will earn you a significally higher about of money.

  2. It totally depends on where you live.  In Louisiana, you get paid for how many years of experience you have NOT if you are a woman/man or what you teach.

  3. It depends on the school.

  4. I have been a teacher for 5 years.  Unless you can teach English as a second language or bilingual, you will have a hard time getting a job in Illinois.  Many teachers are substituting because they cannot find a job.  Substitutes make $10 an hour.  As far as pay, If you are in a low-income district you might start around $30,000.  If you start in a high-income district you might start at $41,000.  It all depends where you go, how much experience you have and what your concentration is in.  Special Education is in high demand along with ESL and Science Middle School teachers.

  5. your eye looks s**y whats you name

  6. It depends where you are, since it varies from place to place, and usually the salary goes up with each year of teaching.

    "According to the American Federation of Teachers, beginning teachers with a bachelor’s degree earned an average of $31,753 in the 2004–05 school year. The estimated average salary of all public elementary and secondary school teachers in the 2004–05 school year was $47,602."

  7. It totally depends on where you teach. The following websites may be a good resource for you:


  8. depends on where u work and stuff like that. will it be a private or public school. it all differs

  9. You will make a fair living,,,, Teacher do get paid goood.

  10. About 30 thousand.

  11. It does not depend on whether you're male or female or if you're in one school as opposed to another.  All teachers in the same district are on the same salary schedule.  So what does matter is what district you work in (and what state).

    Most school districts post their salary scales online.  Check the websites of your local school district and browse their personel sections or simply give them a call.

    Some areas will get you extra money (and so will a masters)...Special Day Class Teachers, Math Teachers, Science Teachers, Bilingual Teachers (in some California District) get stipends on top of their salary.

    You can also earn more than your salary...depends on whether a district has these things available...before/after school tutoring, summer school, staff development workshops outside your normal workday (sometimes after school or during the summer).

    I teach in Southern California, so I speak mostly of my experiences teaching in SoCal.  And subtitute teachers earn anywhere between $100-$150 a day, thats about 6 hours, (not $10 an hour) in SoCal.

    Best of luck to you

  12. Not enough my teacher is always complaning

  13. What you want to is to check with the Boards of Education in the districts that you want to teach.  Here in NJ teachers start around 40K (a little more in urban areas).

  14. Well my mom is a teacher (in Ontario) and has taught for about 15 years and now makes 80 thousand a year.

    however it depends on years of experience the longer you teach the more you make.  hope I helped.

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