
How much does a fennec fox cost ?

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just so u know i know it belongs to the wild but my dad worked in a zoo for three years handling every animal including lions and tigers so we would like to own a fennec fox and i already have a few animals so im used to getting bitten or scratched so it wont be so hard for my dad and i. if anybody knows any place i could find a baby fennec fox then please tell me.




  1. Well,

            For a new born kit its about $1200 dollars. As for care I hope you live on a farm or somewhere with alot of room. I use to own a fennec fox and they are good pets but remember basically what you are getting when you buy a fennec fox is  the best characteristics of a dog and a cat combined. As for you dad working in a zoo that might help but you didn't mention if he handled fennec foxes a bengal tiger is quite different from a fennec fox. I personally think you had better have alot of time on your hand and are financially well off, also your state might require special permits, also make sure you find a vet who knows how to care for them. Basically the vet should treat them alot like he would a dog. Anyway here is the site I wish you good luck. I think if you possess all the stuff I mentioned above you should be well off.

  2. A fennec fox is the only fox that can be almost completely domesticated. There is a breeder in south west virginia that breeds and sells them however they go for a couple thousand dollars and you need to make all the preparations to own one. They need fences in the back yard that are tall and buried at least 6-10 feet because they could dig their way out. Make sure you do your research before undertaking this endeaver.  

  3. wow thats so random hahah no i dont know but thats awsome.. thats soo cool that you get to grow up with wild animals....

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