
How much does a flight attendant make a year?

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if i worked for quantas airlines how much would i get paid?

and if i worked for international flights

and if i do become a flight atendent

is there any classes i should take in school(im in high school)

and i speak mandarin would this be a benifit?

and do you have to be pretty to become a flight atandant?




  1. My friend makes $15,000 a year which is barely enuf to live on when she is not flying.  When she is flying, everything is covered....hotel and food and expenses.   She never has any money but she loves her life. She is with US Airways.

    The more languages you speak, the more they need you. There is still some bias towards pretty but it's getting better every year.  Showing up on time and ready to work beats "pretty" every time.

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